Tuesday, October 20, 2009

...At Last!

Here I am back at last - two months since my previous effort and now autumn is well underway. The days here start with a bit of a chill, and my morning walk to work through St James's Park is enlivened by the glistening golden and vibrant orange-coloured leaves and my senses further awakened by the evocative smells of this season. One morning last week the pelicans were on the lake just by the side of the bridge I was walking on and a couple of black swans were swimming serenely by.... What a start to a day!
However, there is more to life than idyllic scenes such as this one and some small shadows were cast by the ongoing BT Customer 'non-service' saga. More long frustrating telelphone calls trying to avert more hiatuses (hiati?) to my mother's telephone servicehave been made today. Well no need to dwell further on such mundane matters.
In the last couple of months I have been to Paris again and seen a couple of super exhibitions there:- One on Tiffany and another dealing with works by the couturier Madeleine Vionnet. The latter was absolutely wonderful. I already knew a little about her clothes - I had already seen a couple of her gowns and had bought a small V&A museum book on her for my mother (a very keen seamstress) some years ago. The exhibition shows many of Vionnet's dresses and has interesting computer animations of how the pieces are put together. Highly recommended! The only criticism was that - strangely- all the descriptive labels were at the bottom of the display cases which meant one had to crouch down to read them! I can see that a purist might not have wanted to clutter the view of the frocks at all - but there is a limit! My knees did not like it one bit and i'm fairly fit. Anyway I must see if i can get a link or picture of one of the dresses to put into this post. On the foodie front my partner and I tried a couple of new restos - one of which was quite impressive. Whilst on that subject, we drank a wonderful quite old Cloudy Bay white wine with our meal at home the other evening - Nectar!

Also back in London I have been to see the ballet Mayerling - one I used to perform in years ago! Though there are faults with it, I find it quite powerful and very moving. greatly helped in this instance at the Royal Ballet by superb performances by Johann Kobberg and Leanne Benjamin. Johann as Rudolf was really terrific - it is an exhausting role for the man both physically and emotionally and he came through with flying colours in this writer's humble opinion. The story is not one which would normally evoke thoughts of ballet in the general public , but the audience the night I went seemed really to appreciate its power and tragedy. Well folks that's it for the night. Good night to you all J xx