Thursday, February 26, 2009

To exercise or not ?.....

An article from a US newspaper which I skimmed today seems to challenge somewhat certain received ideas on the extent of the benefits of regular exercise.

I'm sure that it only plays one part in one's state of health:- eating habits, environmental factors such as air-quality, genetic make-up etc all must play their part. However, personally I find the 'feel-good' post exercise glow/increased energy levels and so on extremely positive and these in themselves justify my continuing.

I for one don't expect exercise to make such a tremendous difference, but enjoy it for itself.

Certainly, it shouldn't become an obsession and different forms and levels should be employed to ensure regular practice.
Sometimes, just a brisk walk in beautiful surroundings, though of minimal calorie-burning/pulse-rate increasing value hits the right spot for me, whereas at other times the need for a good hearty tread-mill and rowing machine session beckons !

Chacun a son gout in any case...