Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The fig tree in St James's Park London

Just a quick one before leaving for work - not yet on our NY trip or other topics I need to write about, but just a quick picture of the dear fig tree I pass several mornings each week. I see it through the different seasons in it's location just across the bridge spanning the small lake (which has recently been drained). Ok I'll complete this later so for now have a good day, one and all! J xx

Friday, May 15, 2009

UK Where has all the integrity gone?....and should Brown dissolve Parliament?

It can hardly be denied - the UK is in a mess... Not merely the financial situation, with many lives turned upsidedown even ruined, but now the revelations of almost nightmarish proportions regarding corruption - or at least abuse of power - about more and more of our members of parliament. Shame on them and on our nation's credibility.
What to do ? I believe that Prime Minister Brown could do worse than dissolving parliament. That may be an over-reaction on my part but things are going from bad to worse and it seems that only drastic action may help to alleviate the damage being wrought to parliament's credibility.
How sad.
On a lighter note there are other things I need to write about in the days to come. Our trip to New York; my mother's plans for a move..... I think I'll add a pretty, though irrelevant Bakst image for no better reason than I like it and because that puts me in a"tomorrow is another day"sort of mood...