Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Royal Ballet School matinee - slightly fuller 'review' !

I have been somewhat remiss in writing here of late - mainly because much of my spare time has been taken up with helping with my mother's move - before during and after.

I have enjoyed that - apart from BT's abysmal lack of service which has meant my mamma's phone has still not been re-connected at the new property 19 days later!

Much, much more could and may still be written on that depressing subject, but I'll refrain for now and instead concentrate on the annual Royal Ballet School matinee which I mentioned in an earlier blog. I was happy and inspired to find a comment today on that blog from someone from the US whose friend is at the school! So, dear reader from the U S of A, this one's particularly for you! As I'm not a critic this will only be some impressions that I can recall about the pieces, but hopefully they may be of some interest anyway.

One of the pieces in the programme was 'The Dream' by (Sir) Frederic Ashton. It is based on Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', as you almost certainly already knew, and is a charming evocation on that tale set to Mendelsohn's score. It was beautifully danced by all concerned. I have seen it many times in the past danced by the Royal Ballet and this was a very impressive performance by the young students. The programme also included a splendid piece just for some male students - this was by (insert name) and I loved the way it displayed their athleticism and energy so well. It is the first time I can remember an all-male piece being in this end of year show and it was a brilliant idea. I will edit this post and add more details after I look at the programme to jog my memory, but in case anyone looks at this before I do so, I'll mention another strong memory of the show and publish for the moment anyway! Every year since Gailene Stock took over as head of the school, the very last piece of the annual matinee has been the 'Defile', a most exciting and tear-jerking piece which makes use of every member of the RBS, from the tiny dear Junior Associates to the fantastic 'final products'. I really defy anyone not to be moved by this, as - to incredibly rousing music by (insert name), swathe after swathe of dancers , starting from the JA's upwards, come on stage and do their piece - of ever-increasing difficulty as they move up the classes. I always cry, utterly overwhelmed, and this year was no exception! When I edit this piece, I will include what I can remember of the outgoing chairman's comments about the Defile. So to be continued.... Good night all, J x

Saturday, August 1, 2009

It's done!!... well nearly

Some furniture is now in, after....

...the keys are handed over!!!
On 30th July my mother moved into her apartment from the family home and I went down on The Day after some of her things had been delivered to me in London. I got a lift back with one of the removers in his white van after helping unload and position the pieces (tables/gardenpots/valet - of the wooden, not human ilk, etc).
Fortunately, he was definitely not one of the infamous White Van contingent and drove well and safely. We arrived at the house around lunchtime while the final pieces were still being loaded into the larger removal van.
Well, perhaps more on that later, dear non-reader, but we had the almost inevitable nail-biting wait whilst the monies were transferred (or nearly not in one case - the cause of the hold-up) , thus allowing completion to take place - otherwise the move would not yet have been final and legal. Grr. However, once action was at last possible, my mother, elder niece, Camilla and I went over to the new property which thank goodness is just a few minutes walk along the street!!
The keys were handed over as well as the other necessary rituals performed and off we went at full pelt. I really have to commend the removal men who had been at it all day with a horribly frustrating wait - till around 5pm even 5.30 I think..... And so the day went on with all furniture and boxes in and not badly arranged by around 6.30 if I remember.

Anyways, not to drag this out too much, I then stayed in the spare room for two nights and helped my mamma with various paperwork, box emptying, key cutting and arranging, visits to do-it-yourself places etc etc !! Phew - I came back this evening and am glad I have one day of the weekend left to do some of my own things. But it seems that the move is a great success and it is a delight to be in the new place with its few, but spacious rooms. I just hope that my mamma can relax a bit and start to unwind after the marathon house clearance she has been through. Well, mazel tov, God bless all who go in there, or any other appropriate saying or felicitation anyone can think of ! I'm knackered, so goodnight all xx