Wednesday, September 26, 2012

One Year On:back posting at last!

Good grief! It is just over a year since my last post. This will be a short one to help re-kindle my interest in writing which I have enjoyed in the past.
During the past year there has been so much uncertainty about my job which has been quite stressful. I have quite often found it difficult to concentrate and get down to tasks. Now I have been through the interview and come through the other side with a job, but perhaps not the one I would like !
Anyway foot update :- the second bunion operation has also been very successful and I can wear most of my shoes again!  I am extremely pleased that I had them done - when I look at the awful, ugly feet I use to possess I shudder! They are also much less painful as well as slightly prettier thank goodness.
I was in Paris last weekend with H. The weather was lovely and we saw 2 exhibitions, one on Rubens Van Dyck and others and the other on paintings related to Le Havre, France, many of them from the museum there. There was a circle of collectors and some dealers who between them assembled, commissioned or donated some beautiful works. We also did lots of walking around Paris, just drinking in the city and its atmosphere, of course.
Back to reality and cool wet weather back in London, but never mind. I have decided to make the most of darker evenings and get going on some projects - perhaps more children's ballet tote bags. I made 2 with a pretty material and they look good! I may post a pic of one - and of the trip to Paris. Okay enough for now - there's a lot of ground to be covered regarding the past year, but more anon...